by Stacey Chazin | Dec 12, 2023 | Blog, News
Last week, I took a big professional leap that had me brimming with joy and anticipation. I sent an email to my list of business contacts, announcing a preview of a new coaching program I developed to help introverted professionals become more powerful leaders. I...
by Stacey Chazin | Nov 27, 2023 | Blog, News
Like many women and girls, I often felt the need at both school and work to speak more often and more assertively to show I could “keep up with the boys.” However, having the right answer to a teacher’s question, asserting my opinion on a business strategy, or – brace...
by Stacey Chazin | Sep 27, 2023 | Blog, News
So, how did it go? This is the question I asked the many folks who took on the challenge I posed last week to stop unnecessarily apologizing throughout their day. If you missed it, the charge over the three-day No-Apology Challenge included spending one day literally...
by Stacey Chazin | Sep 13, 2023 | Blog, News
Earlier this year, I published a blog post that had been living inside my head for years, just waiting for an outlet and audience. In Sorry, Not Sorry: Women, Please Stop Apologizing!, I talked about the way we women undercut ourselves, our opinions, and our expertise...
by Stacey Chazin | Aug 8, 2023 | Blog, News
Welcome back to our discussion of the “secret sauce” for giving effective, motivating feedback to others. In the first installment of this two-part series, I talked about the past struggles I had in this space. I then shared that my discovery of one key truth...